Friday, November 04, 2005

What's a Blog for?

Admittedly, this isn't the burning question on everone's mind these days. It's prolly not even a top ten-er, but it is worth asking, right? Blogging has become the next latest thing on the web; everyone's got one, regardless of the Blogger's qualifications.

A Blog isn't really like a diary, because we Blog with the expectation (or at least the unbridled hope) that other people will read it, find it amusing or interesting, and possibly send out a mass email to their friends with a link to your blog. I don't know any high school girls that want their diary posted on the interent, do you? Well, maybe if I actually knew some high school girls... (sorry: brings to mind the Dazed and Confused line "That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age...") . Sorry. I digress.

A diary usually comes equiped with a lock and gets sandwiched between the spring box and the mattress. The only thing worse for a adolscent girl than having a zit on the tip of her nose is having her intimate writings discovered by her brother, read and all of her crushes and pinings outed for all to see.

Some people use their blog to brag about their penis prowress, while others use it like a couch in a therapist's office. Some Blogs I read spew political opinions and satire, while others just use it as a portal to let their peeps know waz up with them.

Me? I'm not really sure yet. For sure, you won't read about my crush on the boy next door - that's what the locked notebook is for. I hope, though, that I can throw out the occaisional witty remark, or perhaps an album/concert review that is not influenced by the recording company's asvertising revenue paid to my publication (for inquiries about advertising rates, please send me an email) .

When I feel especially bold, you may catch my "objective" political ramblings that are unswayed by party loyalty, illegal contributions or the number of dinners I've had with W (note the to F.B.I.: Would you please arrange it so that I can go mountain biking with George?).

Another feature that I am working on copyrighting is called "Cold, Hard Truth". In these special segements, I'll take questions from celebrities and offer them the Cold, Hard Truth (CHT) instead of the canned crap they hear from their handlers and yes-men. For example, had I received a letter from Mike Tyson when he was contemplating getting the tattoo on his face, my response might have looked like this: HELL NO. Alas, Iron Mike didn't ask, and now he's more of a freak than ever. Good news, though, Mike: Micheal Jackson's even more of a freak and they can't take the tattoo off your face when you go bankrupt.

So stick around and let's see where this takes us.