Monday, January 30, 2006

Movie Review: Wedding Crashers

Yes, I know this movie has been through the theaters and is already been released on DVD, but what could be more timely than a movie review just before Oscar time?

Not that this is the type of movie that the “Academy” typically considers for Best Movie, nor are the stars of this movie the type of actors generally considered for, well, anything. Reedeeming Quality: Chris Walken plays a powerful politician, and anytime Chris Walken is in a movie, delivering his lines in his now caricature-ish manner, that movie is instantly better.

Which doesn’t say that much about “Wedding Crashers”, starring Vince Vaughn, who has been hurled into stardom because he is getting into Jennifer Aniston’s pants, and Owen Wilson, who has done a wonderful job of making something out of nothing his whole career.

The movie’s plot is a standard retread of a Casanova that falls for a beautiful woman, realizes the error of his ways, tries to win her heart and steal her away from another man who is so obviously wrong for her. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not down on the movie because it’s a retread; which movie that Hollywierd releases these days isn’t? All I ask is that you throw me a nugget here and there to at least give me the impression that what I’m seeing is new and fresh.

Frankly, there’s nothing new and fresh about this movie. I quickly tired of Vince Vaughn fast-talking and Owen Wilson pursing his lips like an over-collagenated Victoria’s Secret model. Yes, I did chuckle to myself a few times and (gasp) even laughed out loud once or twice, but there just wasn’t enough to make me want to sit through the entire thing to see the retreaded ending. My wife and I got up and washed our dinner dishes while the movie played on without us. (Note to reader: Rudy's movie review typically consists of "Yes, it was good; I stayed awake through the entire thing" or "I fell asleep half way through").

So, 2 paws down. But thanks for loaning it to us, Robbie. At least I’m not out any coin, but I'll never get those 90 minutes back.


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's play a little game........just the tip!


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