Men's Figure Skating: The Gayest Sport Ever?
Argument 1 for Gayest Sport Ever:Any sport that involves judges is not a competition, it’s an exhibition, and exhibitions don’t have winners and losers, they have fan favorites and more fan favorites. If the casual observer can't tell the difference between a well executed death spiral or a quad-triple combo, if there are international judges that can be "influenced" it ain't no competition.
When I watch speed skating or ski jumping, I can tell that one guy crossed the line before the other or that he jumped 1 meter longer than the next guy. In figure skating, it’s the same dudes doing the same move to different music and being judged on their execution and artistry. Therefore, not a sport, it’s a exhibition.
Look at this man: Gay or Not Gay?
Argument 2 for Gayest Sport ever:
Never has a group of men tried so hard to be feminine, from the costumes to the hand gestures to the "musical interpretation". Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Really. Anyone that knows me knows that I’m the farthest thing from a ‘phobe. I mean, without fags, imagine where we would be as far as hair styles, interior decorating and wedding planning go.
I'm gonna have to agree with the gayest hetero I know on this one.
Reasons they appear gay:
1- they wear base make-up - GAY
2- they wear frilly costumes - GAY
3- they wear good luck charms around their neck from cereal boxes - SUPER GAY
4- they sound more queer than Michael Jackson (the father of NAMBLA) - ULTRA GAY
5- they have peach fuzz - GAY
6- they use terms like: "dark place" , "warm fuzzy", "karma" - GAY
I'm sure I could think of more but thinking about it this much makes me feel kinda gay. I'm out.
I like it when guys run to get up speed on skates.
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