Monday, September 25, 2006

What's Your Best Friend Worth?

$2,000? That's what a guy I know paid last weekend to take his 10 year old dog to the doggie-ER because of kidney stones. Today he finds out if the dog needs to go on doggie-dialysis. If that's the case, he says he won't be able to afford that and Fido's a doggie-goner.

Huh? Dude, you're already in for 2 grand! What's another hundy or so a month?

So what's the love of your pooch worth? Do you take your sick dog to the vet and say "Only treat him if it will cost less than $X", or is the sky the limit?

That's why I love cats so much: you're less likely to get really attached to them because of their stand-offish nature and they're really easy to replace.

Tuna anyone?


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