Happy Birthday To Me
Yup, 39 years ago today my mom squeezed me out. I don't remember much about that day except that I was most disappointed to be leaving my mother's nurturing womb and embarrassed that I was naked in front of all those people. Well, to be honest, I don’t remember that, but I’m sure that’s the way I felt. Why else would I have all those dreams about walking through the halls of my school with no clothes on?When I was a kid I was always a late sleeper. Some days my mom or dad would come into my cave with a pitcher of ice and water just to rouse me. On my birthday, I was allowed to sleep as long as I wanted, generally unmolested.
As long as I can remember my mom would always ask me the same Birthday Question:
“Do you feel any older today than you did yesterday?”
As my age advances, so too does the age of the people I associate with. Kind of obvious, I know. Except for high school girls: they stay the same age.
As we get out of our twenties and approach forty, it seems pretty standard for the Aging Ones to say “I don’t feel x” where x = that person’s age. Guilty; I’ve said it. But, having not been 39 before, how do I really know that I don’t feel 39? Maybe this is exactly what 39 is supposed to feel like? Or, maybe this is what 50 is supposed to feel like, but since I don’t know what 39 or 50 feels like, my ignorance really is my bliss? One thing’s for sure: the older the AO, the more adamant that they don’t feel x.
So today I’m 39 and will be for the next 364 days. This is exactly what it feels like to be 39. Want to know what it’s like to be 40? Ask me in a year.
I love the way you feel. Happy belated Birthday, Bro. (knuckle smack)
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